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Development Modules

.NET Libraries


A Library is a reusable set of types/functions you can use from a wide variety of applications. The application code initiates communication with the library and invokes it.

.NET Libraries - TCP/IP and Communications



The System.Net namespace provides a simple programming interface for many of the protocols used on networks today.

TheWebRequest and WebResponse classes form the basis of what are called pluggable protocols, an implementation of network services that enables you to develop applications that use Internet resources without worrying about the specific details of the individual protocols.

Classes in the System.Net namespace can be used to develop Windows Store apps or desktop apps. When used in a Windows Store app, classes in the System.Net namespace are affected by network isolation feature, part of the application security model used by the Windows Developer Preview. The appropriate network capabilities must be enabled in the app manifest for a Windows Store app for the system to allow network access by a Windows Store app.



The System.Net.Sockets namespace provides a managed implementation of the Windows Sockets (Winsock) interface for developers who need to tightly control access to the network.



The System.Net.NetworkInformation namespace provides access to network traffic data, network address information, and notification of address changes for the local computer. The namespace also contains classes that implement the Ping utility. You can use Ping and related classes to check whether a computer is reachable across the network.


The System.Collections.Generic namespace contains interfaces and classes that define generic collections, which allow users to create strongly typed collections that provide better type safety and performance than non-generic strongly typed collections.


The System.Diagnostics namespaces contain types that enable you to interact with system processes, event logs, and performance counters. Child namespaces contain types to interact with code analysis tools, to support contracts, to extend design-time support for application monitoring and instrumentation, to log event data using the Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) tracing subsystem, to read to and write from event logs and collect performance data, and to read and write debug symbol information.


The System.IO namespace contains types that allow reading and writing to files and data streams, and types that provide basic file and directory support.

System.Runtime.Serialization Namespace;
The System.Runtime.Serialization namespace contains classes that can be used for serializing and deserializing objects. Serialization is the process of converting an object or a graph of objects into a linear sequence of bytes for either storage or transmission to another location. Deserialization is the process of taking in stored information and recreating objects from it.


The System.Threading.Tasks namespace provides types that simplify the work of writing concurrent and asynchronous code. The main types areSystem.Threading.Tasks.Task which represents an asynchronous operation that can be waited on and cancelled, and System.Threading.Tasks.Task<TResult>, which is a task that can return a value. The System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory class provides static methods for creating and starting tasks, and the System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler class provides the default thread scheduling infrastructure.

.NET Libraries - Database


The System.Linq namespaces contain types that support queries that use Language-Integrated Query (LINQ). This includes types that represent queries as objects in expression trees.


The System.Data namespace provides access to classes that represent the ADO.NET architecture. ADO.NET lets you build components that efficiently manage data from multiple data sources.



Connector/Net is a fully managed ADO.NET driver written in 100% pure C#. It does not use the MySQL C client library.


Contains classes used for binding properties to data sources, data source provider classes, and data-specific implementations of collections and views.

.NET Libraries - WCF / WPF


Provides types to support the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) input system. This includes device abstraction classes for mouse, keyboard, and stylus devices, a common input manager class, support for commanding and custom commands, and various utility classes.


The System.ServiceModel namespaces contain the types necessary to build Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service and client applications.


Provides types that enable integration of rich media, including drawings, text, and audio/video content in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) applications.

.NET Libraries - Display and Formating


The System.Text namespaces contain types for character encoding and string manipulation. A child namespace enables you to process text using regular expressions.



The System.Text.RegularExpressions namespace contains classes that provide access to the .NET Framework regular expression engine.

The namespace provides regular expression functionality that may be used from any platform or language that runs within the Microsoft .NET Framework. In addition to the types contained in this namespace, theSystem.Configuration.RegexStringValidator class enables you to determine whether a particular string conforms to a regular expression pattern.


Provides types that enable integration of rich media, including drawings, text, and audio/video content in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) applications.



Provides types that are used to encode and decode bitmap images



Provides types that support navigation, including navigating between windows and navigation journaling.



Provides access to a library of shapes that can be used in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) or code.

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