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Image Recognition




Image recognition is the process of identifying and detecting an object or a feature in a digital image or video.

This concept is used in many applications like systems for factory automation, toll booth monitoring, and security surveillance.


Typical Image Recognition Applications


  • Optical character recognition

  • Pattern and gradient matching

  • Face recognition

  • License plate matching

  • Scene change detection

Image Identification Limitations


Mainstream Image Recognition Market Application


Human Face Recognition is the the leading market application for objection recognition.


This market identifies the following to be constraints in the quality of match results:


  1. Image quality

  2. Image size

  3. Face angle

  4. Processing and storage

Overcoming Image Identification Limitations Through The Use Of The Plant Morphology App


The Plant Morphology App adds certainty to EmguCV Image Matches

Once a EmguCV Image Identification algorithm returns an image match proposal list, the  Plant Morphology App will perform a matching algorithm based on human observation. The determination on what the plant species is will be the result of cross referencing the matching results of  EmguCV and  the Plant Morphology App.


The human eye observation will overcome the limits a photograph or camera with poor resolution quality in identifying plant patterns.


The human eye perception input describes features which are present but not clearly visible in a photograph. A system will no longer be limited to the size of an image database.


The digital images add confidence and add an element of certainty to the scientist confirming what he/she knows versus what he/she thinks.

Two Similar Looking Plants May Not Differentiate In EmguCV Alone


Example of differentiating two plants that appear almost identical


Similar Looking Plants:

  • Agalinis purpurea (Purple False Foxglove )

  • Agalinis fasciculata (Beach False Foxglove)


Similar Appearance:

  • Purple False Foxglove is quite similar in appearance to Beach False Foxglove.

  • Distinguishing the different Agalinis species can be tricky as they have similar foliage and flowers.


Differentiating Characteristics:

  • Purple False Foxglove has larger flowers (up to 1" long and across) than some other Agalinis spp. and they occur on pedicels (flowering stalks) that are shorter than the tubular calyx (the pedicels are about 1/8" long).

  • Beach False Foxglove has secondary leaves that are nearly as large as the primary leaves (i.e., the leaves appear to be whorled along the major stems).


Furthering Plant Image Identification

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