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About this app

Inspiration behind writing this app:


This application was developed as a tool to help me generate personalized resumes, cover letters and email greetings. Many employers hire through recruiting agencies and automated website application forms. My application is tailored for applying  to small startup companies where cold call walk-in interviews and job applications are possible.


I wanted to make an App which I could use in the public libraries throughout the country:


I made this app intending to use the Internet provided by different public libraries throughout the country. Many public computers, and email providers in general, restrict anonymous users from sending or installing program files via email.  Despite this, markup language file formats are acceptable file attachments. My file is written as a single HTML file so I can open it on any standard computer (Mac or PC), which has email access.

Inspiration and Utility

Application of my App:


When applying for work via cold calling and walk-in interviews, I wanted to deliver, both a professionally courteous and memorable imprint to my audience, by handing and emailing a customized copy of my application which also emphasizes that this hard copy was generated by an html application. I wanted their hard copy to reflect the conversation and experience that lead to my motivation to apply to them. There are a countless number of business seeking tech developers, the app I made allows me to keep track of every completed application made and ensure that each (Email Message, Cover Letter, and Resume) address only my intended audience. I wanted to avoid accidental entry of content, which did not apply to that employer.

Stand Alone File Considerations:

This is a standalone HTML file. In a real web design page, I would dedicate all of the "Tab Views" as is own web page, and all "Object Arrays" and "Analytics" would be processed on the server-side with proprietary hardware and software.

Version 2: Angular JS with Bootstrap
Before and after:


The first version was a proof of concept and brainstorm of what I wanted the app was supposed to and how it would get used. I was pure CSS and Java Script.

The 2nd version was a more refined and streamline version with added performance capabilities. Version 2 is predominantly jQuery based code which applies Angular JS and Bootstrap.


jQuery, Angular JS, and Bootstrap: 


TheAngular framework allows for a much faster access and manipulation of DOM elements. The builtin features within Angular and Bootstrap require less lines of code to accomplish similar tasks used in version 1. Many built in feature perform and display the desired outcome in a smootherand more web friendly way.

Beautification: Svg, Font Awesome, Bootstrap


I implemented script controlled svg animations. I also used icon libraries provided by Bootstrap and Font Awesome.

I made optional color changing elements to make the application easier on the eyes.

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