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Markup Language (Development)


This section is still under development. This is for version 2 of the app.


It is basically a HTML, JavaScript & SVG GUI. 


From the developer's point of view, it will be a "VB-esque" simulation of WPF/ASP.Net (This has no relevance to the tech market, but it has a lot of application as a training/tutorial.)

It may  be a relevant feature when deciding to make future cosmetic upgrades.


The .NET will handle all the (JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX) equivalent functions which are traditionally  associated with web enabled mobile apps. Most importantly, with VB (and the rest of the .Net Family), the serial communication is already installed and configured.


This is just a project to study up on the ins and outs of Vector Style UI's.


Future Compatibility In-mind:

My DIY version aims to cut though hardware/software dependencies in order to solve a simple application task. This is primarily a GUI home experiment.


  • Arduino and Rasperry Pi are fun social and learning development tools/product packages. Python is  "cool with" html.

  • Real versions of what I am doing already exists, like Kivy which employs (Python and Cython, , based on OpenGL ES 2) to achieve an efficient functional deliverable, or the Default Python GUI maker Tkinter.

  • When you are shopping for a programming team, this technique will assist the entry level amateur to jump on board a development team without getting lost in the overwhelming soup of WebDev development prerequisites.

  • This exercise is just putting the emphasis on Markup Language vs. Programming Language


Generic Python/Html Example:

import webbrowser


fileToReadandinthiscaseWriteto = open('index.html','w')


htmlCode = """<html> <head></head> <body><p>Hello World!</p></body> </html>"""

fileToReadandinthiscaseWriteto.write(htmlCode ) f.close()


# for PC/Mac OS browsers...

filename =  "file:///" + fileToReadandinthiscaseWriteto 

webbrowser.open_new_tab(filename )


Current Development Status:


  • If you are reading this, don't bother checking if I have source code posted yet.

  • When I have a stable test bench, this page will be removed and a Demo video will do most of the explaining. Vaporware ...


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